Monday, December 30, 2019

Comparison of Beowulf and Rustam in as Heroes Essay

A COMPARISON OF RUSTAM AND BEOWULF Shahnameh or Epic of the Kings was written about ninth or tenth cetury AD by Iranian epic poet ,Ferdowsi, who was a Muslim . Ferdowsi write about a hero,Rustam whose religion during his time was Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism believed in God and the life after death . The religion of the writer and Rustam (Islam and zoroastrianism) have so many things in common . their beliefs about god in life were somehow the same .Rustam fights for his people and his country. Anywhere that the country or even the dignity of his country is at risk he appears and removes the problems . He is so boastful and houghty for the glories he has won and his power, but anytime that he faces a danger that he cant get through†¦show more content†¦By seeking worldly fame rather than eternal salvation, Beowulf is clearly motivated by a pagan value system. By inserting christian elements in the story the writer makes a story that has two conflicting religions (paganism and Christianity) that makes the story more interesting and uncertain. So many stories have been written about great heroes .All of these heroes do different things and all of them have a different qualities which make them heroes. Due to the fact that there are so many heroic adventures and qualities, most are shared in part with at least one other hero. Such is the case between the great hero, Beowulf, from the epic poem Beowulf and Rustam from the Shahnameh. These great heroes have strong similarities and a great deal of differences. True heroes do good things for good people. Such is the case in Beowulf, Beowulf leaves his homeland to help the Danish people rid themselves of the human eating monster, Grendel. This heroic quality is also evident in seven trials of Rustam, as Rustam consciously rides into a battle in order to rid his people of Deevs who would not allow others to live in peace and also rescue the king of Iran from White Deevs prison . Both heroes are displaying their concern for others by risking themselves in battle for the greater good. In the same

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